An epic walk through Jurassic Park with Sandra, the Explorer but all is not as it seems.
This party truly is an adventure where you encounter all sorts of twists and turns and you really do feel that you have experienced something very different and remarkable.
The journey begins with a helicopter ride into Jurassic Park where you will be given self defence lessons before embarking on your mission to save the day! Each child will also receive a balloon modelling sword to practice their newly acquired skills.
You then enter the predator encounter to find dinosaur eggs and clues to your next level – excavation! Great fun and educational games including corners, musical stampede,valley of death and NASSA flight from Jurassic.
There will also be Dinosaur Balloon models handed out to the best players which will ALWAYS include the Birthday Boy/Girl!
All sweets and prizes, snow and bubbles also included. NB: We also offer you face painting and glitter tattoo dinosaur designs as an extra if you’d like to book Miranda too!
Call now for a FREE, no obligation
consultation on 07709 252579
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